
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

7 Ways to BOOST Marketing When Business is Slow

7 Ways to BOOST Marketing When Business is Slow

No one likes it when business slows down. In fact, it's even a badge of shame in some practices.

Slow times, though, call for serious measures. It's time to get (start) marketing! SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITYto harvest new relationships, nurture old ones, and build business.

Here are seven simple ways to get started.

1. Give your clients special attention.

Get in touch with existing - and dormant - clients on a regular basis. Stop at their office for a visit or, even better, hop on a plane and visit an out-of-town client whom you've never met in person.

Focus on client satisfaction!

2. Boost your marketing investment.

Even if your firm won't pay for it, consider taking a law course or a seminar. You could even hire your own lawyer marketing coach to help you jump start your practice.

3. Ask for referrals - often.

Some lawyers find that asking for a referral can be awkward or uncomfortable, but they are often the most effective and efficient ways to get new business. When asking for a referral, be sure to create a clear statement describing the type of clients you're seeking. The more specific you can be, the better.

4. Set aside time each day for marketing.

By writing this time into your schedule, you'll avoid immersing yourself in unimportant busywork.

5. Review your DATABASE of contacts.

Go into Outlook and start combing through your contacts. Are there any friends, colleagues, or alums who are overdue for a phone call? See if you can parlay each call into a meeting.

6. Set measurable, weekly goals.

Goal setting is a critical step on the road to marketing success.

Set real goals for yourself by being SPECIFIC and REALISTIC.

Think in quantifiable terms.

Here are a few concrete examples:

  • Cultivate three new referral sources from your network.
  • Get one internal referral from a lawyer in your firm.
  • Make three phone calls a week to secure one-on-one meetings.
  • Cross-sell another practice section in your firm for three clients.

7. Be a matchmaker.

Introduce your clients to potential customers, or introduce a partner to a potential client. If you become a matchmaker, you'll have more reasons to pick up the phone and stay connected. AND THOSE YOU HELP WILL WANT TO HELP YOU BACK.

Slowdowns happen to the best of us.

Learn to stay busy in slow times by boosting your marketing efforts.


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